Monday, 11 October 2010

Technical Workshops - Flash Week 3

For the past 3 weeks every Monday we Graphic designers have had 6 hour training on the software Adobe Flash. It took a while to understand, however, slowly but surely I'm getting to grips with it. It's interesting. I've already made a few small animations using basic shapes and morphing numbers which was pretty kool. I also created an Octopus and taken him on a journey through the sea (an extremely simple flash animation I did last week). I named him Mr Jelly.

This week we began to create our banners for the technical file side to our course this year. Although I had a few technical problems I managed to overcome them and get the file back to a stage where I can easily pick what I was doing back up and complete the task I set. First half (frames 1-60) will be finished this week ready to complete second half (61-120) next Monday.

Unfortunately I do not know how to upload these onto the blog which is a shame because I'm quite excited about them. If and when I can do this I will so you can have a look for yourself :)

1 comment:

  1. Flash can be good fun. I enjoyed using it at Uni. As for uploading it to the blog there might be a free SWF host out on the websome where that you could post it up then add a link.

    Failing that you might even be able to embed it straight into a post as a video, not sure on blogger's capabilities.
