Friday, 1 October 2010

ROAD TRIP!! To Whitby! :)

Wet Whitby!
What a day. We all set off at 8:30am from Uni campus, drove 2 hours or so to then be told "OK, see you back at the coach at 3pm!" Now on normal sunny days Whitby is amazing. I love it :) There is LOADS of family history and British history which is why I'm guessing we went. But this particular Friday it decided to throw it down (see last image). Yes I was very happy. So after taking a few shots before the worst of the weather exploded we (me and my great friend Gemma) decided to quickly eat our s/w wherever we could find cover then run to a tea room for a lovely cream tea :D Soooooo English. Love it! We dried off in there whilst discussing peoples choice of clothing outside in the rain. Board shorts? In October? And also began counting how many times the girl wearing fluorescent yellow shoes walked past the window within the time we ate our scones. Once we plucked up the courage to venture out again we headed for cover in the arcade with 2p machines and crazy pirate golf! Argh!! When we eventually got back to the coach every single person was soaking wet through! But for some reason, not only were we late back, but the air-con was on!! It. Was. Freezing!
So, point of the day? I still don't have a clue... I'd like to re-visit Whitby when the weather is clearer and get a better range of photographs. I'm not happy with the ones I got as it rained so much I couldn't take many. It's gorgeous when it's sunny and bright - not necessarily hot but just clear to enjoy the views. We'll see what happens...

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